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Halesowen Annual Summary for 2021

The mean temperature was +0.2 degrees above the 30 year normal. It was warm in June and July, mild in September, October and December finished with record high temperatures. It was cooler than usual in January, April and May.
Rainfall was 111% of normal, with very wet months in May, October, January and July. It was drier than usual in April, September, November and March.















rain mm

123.8 62.0 30.2 19.8 131.8 50.8 86.0 65.6 29.0 162.2 39.0 99.0
30yr rain avg 72.1 55.0 54.4 60.0 60.4 72.1 63.4 70.0 65.2 84.1 82.0 78.2

rain %

172% 113% 56% 33% 218% 70% 136% 94% 44% 193% 48% 127%

Rain rank

3rd highest   4th lowest lowest highest   4th highest   2nd lowest 2nd highest 3rd lowest  

temp C

2.6 4.9 7.2 7.5 10.5 16.6 18.9 16.4 16.5 11.9 6.8 6.1

30yr temp avg














-1.7 +0.2 +0.4 -1.8 -1.9 +1.3 +1.7 -0.4 +2.1 +1.3 -0.2 +1.5

65yr temp avg














14.5 mean max (C) , +0.2 diff from av (C)  
  6.6 mean min (C) ,   +0.2 diff from av (C)  
 10.5 mean (C),     +0.2  diff from av (C) 

HiMax 33.4 C on  22/7/21
LoMax   0.1C on 7/1/21
HiMin   16.7C on 19/7/21
LoMin   -6.4C on 25/1/21

Highest Mean  25.0C on 22/7/21
Lowest Mean   -2.2C on 7/1/21 and 11/2/21


 899.2 rain total (mm), 111 % of av       

 202 raindays (with 0.2mm or more)   
 133 wetdays (with 1mm or more)       
verywetdays (with 5mm or more)  

35.0 most rainfall in a day (mm) on 4/10/21

Rainfall duration 707.5 hours


14 days with snow falling, totalling 22.4cm
Most snowfall in a day 4.5 cm on 24/1/21

 11 days with lying snow


 1016.0 mean pressure (mb) ,  +1.5 pressure anomaly (mb)
 1042.9 max pressure at any time of day, on 27/2/21
   971.0 min pressure at any time of day, on 20/1/21


24 days with fog

 50 air frosts,  the last was 2/5/21 , first was 5/11/21
 110 ground frosts, last was 7/5/21 , first was 2/11/21
so 179  days with no air or ground frost.
Frost duration  436 hours.

THUNDER            6 days with thunder heard,

HAIL                         10  days with hail

HUMIDITY                88% at 0900

CLOUD COVER    70% at 0900  


January 2021 February 2021 March 2021

January was the 4th wettest in this station's 66 years of records, ranking 2nd or 3rd in raindays, wetdays and very wet days. Just 5 days had no rain measured/ The majority of the rainfall was between 11th and 31st.
Mean temp 2.6C ranks 12th= lowest, in recent years only 2010 had a colder 1.5C.The month began cold, until 11th when it returned to normal, apart from cold days between 22nd and 26th. Lowest minimum temps were on 25th –26th , 7th –8th  and 1st -2nd .
There were 15 airfrosts (13th = greatest number) and 26 ground frosts (4th = greatest number). Snow fell on 8 days (the 8th greatest number) bringing a total of 15.8cm of new snowfall (a less impressive 13th greatest).
Windiest days were 19th-20th. There was fog on 8 days (equalling the greatest number on record).

   5.1 mean max (C) 10th= lowest in 66 years here
   0.1 mean min (C)  15th = lowest
   2.6 mean (C)  1.5 deg below avg (C) 12th = lowest

11.2 high max (C) on 28
  0.1 low max (C)  on  7
  8.6 high min (C)  on 20
 -6.4 low min (C)   on 25
123.8 rain total (mm)  187% of av, 4th wettest
Most rain was 16.1mm on 27th  

  26 raindays (days with >=0.2mm), 2nd greatest number
  19 wetdays (days with >=1mm),   3rd= greatest number
  11 very wet days (days with >=5mm), 2nd= greatest number
26 days with Ground frosts , 4th= greatest number
15 days with airfrosts, 13th= greatest number
  8 days with fog 1,7-8,13-16,24, equalling greatest number

No thunder
75% cloud cover percent
95% mean RH 
Mean pressure was 1011.2mb

February got progressively colder until 15th, with significant frosts 9th to 14th, and snow from late evening on 7th until the 11th. After that it became milder, so the overall temperatures were nearly normal.
Rainfall was above average, with 7th highest number of raindays and 9th highest number of very wet days (in 66 years records here).  The first and third weeks of the month were wettest, and the 2nd and 4th fairly dry. A quarter of the month's rainfall was on the 1st and 2nd .
It was dull for much of the month with occasional sunshine, the best proper sunny days were from 25th to 28th. It was windy at times, especially from 18th to 24th, the highest windspeeds being recorded on the 23rd.
So after a wet start to 2021, at least the end of February brought better sunshine and a breeze which has started to dry out the the top layer of the soil in the garden!

  8.0 mmax (C) 
  1.8 mmin (C) 
  4.9 mean(C)  +0.2 diff from av (C).
14.2 high max (C) on 24th  
  0.6 low max (C) on 8th and 11th 
  8.1 high min (C) on 21st
 -4.9 low min (C) on 11th
62.0 rain total (mm)
112.7% of av 
22 raindays (days with >=0.2mm) (7th highest in 66 years)
12 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
  6 very wet days (days with >=5mm) (9th highest in 66 years)
17 days ground frost
10 days air frost
71% cloud cover percent
92% mean RH 


SEASONAL REPORT FOR WINTER  (Dec2020, Jan2021, Feb2021)

                     this year  normal   anomaly
MeanMax        6.5             6.8         -0.3 
MEAN               3.9         4.1         -0.2 
MeanMin         1.3             1.3          0.0
RAINFALL       314.2        202.3      115%
Raindays    74 (new record) 51.2 
Wet Days   54 (2nd  highest) 36.4
V Wet Days25 (=2nd highest) 14.7
Cloud oktas   4.8              5.7

Although temperatures were slightly below normal, rainfall has been 15% above, with Dec and Jan delivering 128mm and 124mm respectively, adding to that we had in Aug and Oct, so the ground remains saturated.

This has been the 3rd wettest winter on record in 66years here, beaten only in 1960, 1990 and 2014. The 74 raindays are a new record, beating 71 in 2014. The 54 wet days are now the 2nd highest, there were 59 in 2014. The 25 very wet days are now joint 2nd equals with 2013 and 2016, beaten by 39 in 2014.

Statistically March was a mild and dry month. Mean temp 0.4deg above normal (18th highest in 66 years records here), with temperature increasing steadily throughout the month, becoming very warm on 30th and 31st. There were air frosts on 1st, 6-7th , 9th and 22nd, and ground frosts from 1st – 9th, 17th – 18th, 22nd – 23rd and 27th
Rainfall only 30.2mm, the lowest since 2012, and ranking 14th lowest on record. While numerically 15 raindays were "normal", March had 11th fewest wet days, and only 2 years have had fewer very wet days.
It was very windy 10th – 13th, and windy 26th – 28th.  Fog was recorded on 3 days (1st, 3rd and 18th) and hail on 2 days (11th and 26th).
Mean pressure was the highest since 2012, and the 8th highest in 66 years.

11.1 mmax (C) 
  3.3 mmin (C) 
  7.2 mean(C)  +0.4 diff from av (C), the 18th  mildest in 66 years.
24.3 high max (C) on 31st 
  3.8 low max (C) on 1st    
10.5 high min (C) on 31st
 -3.4 low min (C) on 6th  and 7th  
 30.2 rain total (mm)
55.5% of av 
15 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
  7 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
  1 very wet days (days with >=5mm
14 days ground frost
  5 days air frost
82% cloud cover percent
88% mean RH 


April 2021 May 2021 June 2021

April was a cold and dry month, with only a few "April Showers". Statistically 1.8deg below normal, cooler 1st – 17th and 27th-30th , but pleasantly warm mostly between 18th and 24th.   The Mean Min temperature was just 1.6C, the 2nd lowest here in 66 years.
Rainfall was a low 19.8mm,  the 10th lowest here, most falling on 10th and 30th, but many days were dry 1st-4th and 13th-26th .
Snow/sleet showers on 6th, 10th and 11th, although not lying for long, and small hail fell on 6th, 10th and 30th.  Windiest days were 1st, 5th, 8th and 28th.
Sunniest days were 2nd-6th, 8th, 10th-26th, 28th and 30th, dullest were 1st, 7th, 9th, 27th and 29th.
A new record mean daily pressure was set at 1024.2mb.
A good month mostly for growers,  the sunshine and breeze was good for drying the soil, although the frostly nights had to be watched out for, and many trips with watering cans had to be made for the fruit and vegetables!

  13.3 mean max (C) 
   1.6 mean min (C) 
   7.5 mean (C)  -1.8 diff from av (C), the 16th = lowest in 66 years
20.1 high max (C) on 19
  6.6 low max (C)  on 
  7.6 high min (C) on  21
 -2.6 low min (C) on 7
19.8 rain total (mm)  33% of av (10th lowest on record)
Most rain was 7.8mm on 30th

  11 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
    3 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
     2 very wet days (days with >=5mm)

Ground frost on 20 days (new record)
Air frost on 11 days  (new record)
3 days with hail
1 day with snow, and 2 days with sleet
1 day with fog 12th
0 days with thunder
51% cloud cover percent
79% mean RH 
Mean pressure was 1024.2mb (new record)

Although the month was cooler than usual until 27th, the month ended with splendid warmth, statistically though the Mean Temp ranking 17th= lowest.  Only the end of the month was dry, May had 11 very wet days (a new record), and 4th highest wet days and rain days. Many days had some cloud, but 30th enjoyed 14 hours unbroken sunshine, and 19th, 27th and 31st  had 11 hours.

It was windy 3-4, 8-10, 20-21 and 23. Thunderstorm on 16th from 1720, hail fell 4,5 and 10, with large hail on 11th.  A slightly late start to the growing season, but all the soft fruit and vegetables doing well at the moment.

15.2 mean max (C) 
  5.8 mean min (C) 
10.5 mean (C)  -1.9 diff from av (C)
23.6 high max (C) on  31
  8.8 low max (C) on  3
12.4 high min (C) on  29
 -0.2 low min (C) on  2
131.8 rain total (mm)
218% of av 
21 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
18 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
11 very wet days (days with >=5mm)
Ground frost on 5 days
1 Air frost
Mean pressure 1009.7mb
75% cloud cover percent

(Mar, Apr, May 2021)

The mean temp was only 0.3 degrees below normal, although it was the lowest since 2013. Min Mean was 0.7 degrees below normal, ranking 13th lowest in 66 years.

Rainfall was 5.3% above normal overall, although it had been normal in March, very low in April and very high in May. The raindays were 22nd highest and very wet days 14th highest, following on from winter's 2nd highest values.

            this year     normal     anomaly
MeanMax     13.2         13.1          +0.1
MEAN             8.4           8.7           - 0.3
MeanMin       3.6           4.3           - 0.7

RAINFALL    181.8       172.6        + 5.3%
Raindays          47         42.9        + 4.1    
Wet Days          28         32.4       -  4.4     
V Wet Days      14         11.6        + 2.4   

Oktas               5.6          5.4         + 0.2   

Statistically a milder and drier June than usual.
Largely a warm month until 16th,  then cooler, and the last 10 days normal, the mean temp overall was 1.3 degrees above normal.
rainfall was only 70% of normal, and over half of this fell in a short period from 1730 on 25th into 26th . The 25th experienced 25.2mm of rainfall, the 15th wettest June day on record.   Some rain fell on 6th and then from 17th, but otherwise the first half of the month was very dry. Mostly sunny month, especially in the first half, but dull on 18th, 20th, 27th and 28th.
It was  windy on 11th, 26th and 27th, with thunder and lightning on 25th at 1830.
Mean pressure was 11th highest on record for June.

 22.0 mean max (C) 
 11.3 mean min (C) 
 16.6 mean (C)  +1.3 diff from av (C), the 6th mildest in 66 years.

28.5 high max (C) on 13
14.3 low max (C) on 20, 28
16.2 high min (C) on 3
  6.8 low min (C) on  23
 50.8 rain total (mm)  70% of av 
  11 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
    8 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
    2 very wet days (days with >=5mm)

No ground frost or air frost
No days with fog 
1 day with thunder 25th
58% cloud cover percent
79% mean RH 
Mean pressure was 1019.1mb


July 2021 August 2021 September 2021

July was warm overall, anomaly +1.8deg, hot between 15th and 24th, while cooler at the start and finish of the month. It was the 5th warmest July in 66 years records here.
Rainfall was 135% of normal, ranking 36th =, although a surprisingly high proportion of very wet days, 8 out the 12, which ranks 5th =.  It stayed dry between 13th and 26th.
Windiest on 6th, 14th and 28th – 30th. Thunder and lightning on 3rd, 27th and 28th, late in the afternoon, with small hail falling on 28th.
Much manual watering of fruit and vegetables was required mid month!

  24.3 mean max (C) 
 13.6 mean min (C) 
 18.9 mean (C)  +1.7 diff from av (C), 
        the 5th warmest in 66 years.
 33.4 high max (C) on 22
 15.4 low max (C) on 30
 16.7 high min (C) on 19,20
 10.4 low min (C) on  1

 86.0 rain total (mm)  135% of av, 17th highest 
 Wettest day was 4th with 21.4mm
   12 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
   11 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
     8 very wet days (days with >=5mm),   the 5th= highest on record

No ground frost or air frost
No days with fog 
3 days with thunder 3, 27, 28
Small hail fell on 28th
58% cloud cover percent
84% mean RH 
Mean pressure was 1014.6mb

August was only slightly cooler than normal, a bit cooler on 16th and 30th-31st.
Rainfall was statistically slightly below average, but more than half the month's rainfall fell torrentially in a short time, 13.6mm between 18:30 and 19:00 on 19th, 10.4mm between 23:00 and 23:40 on 21st with thunderstorm.
Halesowen was on the northern edge of a storm centre tracking eastwards just to the south of Birmingham on 21st August, and Halesowen had 14.7mm of torrential rain, along with Shirley 14.8mm and Becketts Farm on the A435 18.0mm (in 24 hours), while areas north and west of me, such as Wolverhampton,  Dudley, Coseley, Kingswinford, Kidderminster all recorded less than 3mm rainfall in the 24 hours, and Rowley Regis just to the north of Halesowen recorded 7mm in the 24 hours. (Source: local Davis weather stations shown on WeatherLink.com)

20.6 mmax (C) 
12.3 mmin (C) 
16.4 mean(C)  -0.4 diff from av (C)
25.4 high max (C) on 10th 
15.4 low max (C) on 31st    
15.3 high min (C) on 15th
  7.9 low min (C) on 3rd 
65.6 rain total (mm), 93.7% of av 
15 raindays (with >=0.2mm)
10 wet days (with >=1mm)
  3 very wet days (with >=5mm)
Greatest fall 18.2mm on 21st 
Thunderstorm on 21st at 23:10
No ground frost
No air frost
Windiest days 6th, 7th, 8th ,16th, 17th
76% cloud cover percent
87% mean RH 
Highest pressure 1033.1 mb on 24th 


SEASONAL REPORT FOR Summer  (Jun, Jul, Aug 2021)

Summer had the 4th = highest mean temperature 17.3C (beaten only in 1995, 2006 and 2018) with the 10th = highest MeanMax and 3rd = highest MeanMin. The LoMin of 6.8C was the highest summer Lomin on record here.
Rainfall was statistically normal overall, June a bit drier, but July wetter. Torrential rain seemed more frequent, with 5 of the 9 greatest rain days this year falling in this summer period, 25.2mm on 25/6, 21.4mm on 4/7, 13.4mm on 29/7, 16.6mm on 19/8 and 18.2mm on 21/8. However the number of raindays, wetdays and very wet days was about normal, the intensity being greater.

                  this year   normal     anomaly
MeanMax      22.3          20.7            +1.6 (10th = highest)
MEAN              17.3         15.8            +1.5 (4th = highest)
MeanMin        12.4         10.9            +1.5 (3rd   = highest)
LoMin               6.8                                           (highest summer Lomin)
RAINFALL     202.4         197.9       102.3%
Raindays           38            40.6                  
Wet Days           29            30.5                
V Wet Days       13            12.7

September was a mild month, having the 2nd highest mean temperature (beaten in 2006). While rainfall was normal overall, none fell in the first 8 days, and most fell in the final 4 days of the month, which were also the  windiest days.
After a short lived very warm spell at the start of the month the temperature steadily fell in the second half, feeling decidedly autumnal by the end of the month.
Sunniest days were 4th – 8th, 16th, 19th – 20th, 22nd and 26th – 27th.
Dullest days were 2nd, 13th and 25th.

 21.3 mean max (C) 
 11.7 mean min (C) 
 16.5 mean (C)  +2.3 diff from av (C)

 31.7 high max (C) on 7
 14.4 low max (C)  on 29
 16.2 high min (C) on  10
   5.7 low min (C)  on  29

 64.2 rain total (mm)  98% of av 
 Most rain was 13.2 mm on 28th  
  14 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
  12 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
    6 very wet days (days with >=5mm)

No days with ground frost or air frost
No days with fog 
No days with thunder
60% cloud cover percent
92% mean RH 
Mean pressure was 1018.1mb


October 2021 November 2021 December 2021

A very wet month, only exceeded in 2013, most falling at the beginning and the end of the month. Unusally there were 9 days having more than 5mm rainfall, this was only exceeded in 2013 and 1960. Torrential rainfall in the early hours of 5th, and early morning 30th .
Temperature was +1.3 degrees above normal, between 6th and 20th, making it the 11th mildest October in 66 years, with a cooler end to the month. It was sunniest on 1st, 6th, 10-11th, 15th and 21st, and sunless on 14th, 19th and 28th. There were very windy days at the start and end of the month, especially 24th to 29th.  No air or ground frosts were recorded, the lowest temperature was 4.6C on 21st, the highest on 7th.

14.9 mean max (C) 
  8.9 mean min (C)  (9th highest)
11.9 mean (C)  +1.3 diff from av (C)

 20.8 high max (C) on 7
 11.5 low max (C)  on 31 (7th highest)
 12.4 high min (C) on  8
   4.6 low min (C)  on  21 (4th highest)

 162.2 rain total (mm)  192% of av (2nd wettest)
 Most rain was 35.0 mm on 4th
  17 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
  15 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
    9 very wet days (days with >=5mm)

No days with ground frost or air frost
1 day with fog on 8th  
No days with thunder
74% cloud cover percent
93% mean RH 
Mean pressure was 1013.0mb

A very dry month, ranking 4th lowest in last 66 years, with precipitation predominantly 1st to 3rd, 19th to 12th, but most falling on 26th, 27th and 29th .  Snow was falling or lying on 27th to 29th. Mean temperatures were overall only slightly below normal, it was milder 9th to 20th, but colder 22nd to 29th.
Windiest days were 26th and 27th as storm ARWEN passed the east coast.
Brightest days were mostly 1st to 5th, less so 7th to 9th and 17th to 19th.
So not a very nice end to the month with the snow and wind, although otherwise the month had not been that bad.

  9.8 mmax (C) 
  3.9 mmin (C)  
  6.8 mean(C)  -0.2 diff from av (C)
14.0 high max (C) on 9th 
  2.3 low max (C) on 27th
  9.7 high min (C) on 13th
 -2.9 low min (C)  on 28th

39.0 rain total (mm)
47.6 % of av 
20 raindays (days with >=0.2mm)
10 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
  2 very wet days (days with >=5mm)
Most daily rain was 14.8mm on 26th

14 days ground frost
  6 days air frost
  2 days fog
68% cloud cover percent
93% mean RH 

(Sep, Oct, Nov 2021)
This autumn has been very mild (4th = highest MeanMax, 4th highest Mean and 5th = highest MeanMin), making it +1.5 deg above normal for the month. This came about since Sep had the 2nd highest Mean, Oct the 11th highest Mean, Nov was close to normal.
Autumn rainfall has been only slightly above normal, however Sep had the 14th lowest, Oct had the 2nd highest and Nov the 4th lowest rainfall, which produced the almost "normal"  overall seasonal value.

                   this year   normal     anomaly
HiMax              31.7         30.8
MeanMax       15.3         13.8           +1.5 
LoMax              2.3          -2.0                            
MEAN             11.7           10.2          +1.5 
HighMin         16.2           17.1     MeanMin         8.2             6.7         +1.5
LoMin             -2.9            -8.1                 
RAINFALL      230.2        213.4       107.8%
Raindays         46              46.8               
Wet Days         30              34.0              
V Wet Days     14              14.1  

The very mild periods from 11th to 18th and 23rd to 31st elevated the December mean temperature +1.5 degrees above normal, the final days being around 8 degrees  above normal. Consequently only two days (2nd and 22nd) saw a slight airfrost, the 4th = fewest on record in 67 years here.

The final three days of December recorded new max temps, 13.8C on 31st, 13.3C on 30th and 13.2C on 29th, each of  these the highest for that December day in any of the 67 years here.

It was a wet month with 23 raindays, ranking 9th = most raindays, especially 1st to 14th and 22nd to 31st, making December the 15th wettest in 68 years. The Christmas rainfall for 24th and 25th December totalled 40mm.

Most sunshine occurred between 1st and 10th, but it was dull and mostly cloudy from 11th to 31st. The first half of the month was windy, quietening down from 16th to 22nd before turning windy again from 28th to 31st.

   8.1 mean max (C) 
   4.1 mean min (C) 
   6.1 mean (C) ,  +1.5 diff from av (C), the 6th mildest

 13.8 high max (C) on 31
   4.3 low max (C) on  2
 11.8 high min (C) on  31, a new record high min
  -0.6 low min (C) on  2, 3rd highest low min

99.0 rain total (mm)  127% of av , 15th wettest in 68 years
Wettest days were 25.2 mm on 24th  then 14.8mm on 25th.
23 raindays (days with >=0.2mm), 9th equal highest raindays
15 wetdays (days with >=1mm)
  6 very wet days (days with >=5mm)

Ground frost on 14 days
Air frost on 2 days
5 days with fog
83% cloud cover percent
93% mean RH 

Mean pressure was 1011.7 mb
Max pressure  1042.2 mb was recorded on 17th.

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